From Sputnik to free Satellite TV on your very own PC, the history of Satellite TV has encountered a number of events. While Sputnik had nothing to do with television, it had everything to do with the idea of Satellite television. If it were not for Mr. Arthur C. Clarke’s writings on Satellites and the Russians experiments with his thoughts, Satellite television could never have been invented.
Many years after the launch of Sputnik and Explorer I in the 1950’s, the birth of digital satellite television came about. It was in 1976 that Home Box Office (HBO) made history by initiating satellite delivery for its programming to cable. The first event offered through satellite was a heavyweight boxing match that came to be known as “The Thriller From Manila.”
That wasn’t the end of history in 1976 with satellite television. It was also in 1976 that the first consumer Direct To Home (DTH) Satellite System was created. While you may expect such a creation to take place in a historical laboratory of some sort, the invention happened in an unusual surrounding. It was in the garage of Stanford University Professor Emeritus H. Taylor Howard that it took place. He used a large dish-shaped antenna to pick up the programs.
In 1977, Pat Robertson launched the first digital Satellite television that delivered basic cable service called the Christian Broadcasting Network, which later became known as the family channel. After that, there was a wave of basic cable services that followed including the well known Turner Broadcasting System (TBS).
As satellite television continued to grow, it became cheaper and cheaper because the programming came from multiple sources. In 1985, a digital satellite television system cost approximately $10,000. However, by 1985 the systems had dropped to $3,000 each. During this time, more and more people were looking into the multiple-channel capabilities of satellite television, especially since it was a one time fee to get over 100 channels for free afterwards.
Cable programming providers quickly realized that there was no way to make profit by giving away free satellite television service, thus developing the Cable Act. After much trouble from satellite theft and a drastic drop in subscribers, the digital satellite industry began to pick up again in the mid 1990’s. In the early 1990’s, four large cable companies launched a Direct Broadcast Satellite system called Primestar. In 1994, the Hughes DIRECTV Satellite System was launched.
Satellite television today is much brighter and has an extremely clear picture. With over 18 million subscribers of digital satellite television, it has become one of the fastest growing consumer electronic products of all time.
Article Source:
Richard Banks is the owner of Aardvark Electronics and the developer of the Vansat Portable Satellite TV System
Saturday, April 12, 2008
The History of Satellite TV
It seems that every month, if not every week, different manufacturers are coming up with the latest digital cameras to entice potential clients. And it's just not working for us!
After spending sizeable amount of time at the mall figuring out which is the best digital camera for us, we finally have enough money to buy for that eye-popping, 7 mega pixel, 10x digital zoom, potable, candy colored, up to 512MB expandable memory of super hi-speed SD memory card and not to mention very portable, (that will be the envy of almost everyone we know). We march to the mall armed with our life savings and lotsa pride in ourselves, when we pass by a new display - an eight mega pixel, up to 1G expandable memory, with built it mic and stereo surround, video playback capable, with 22 scenic modes kind-of-camera. And we sigh because the producer of this amazing gadget claims that this is the best digital camera yet out in the market. And so as we always want to have the best, armed with our life savings and a few credit cards, we buy the "best digital camera." But then again, that doesn't last too long, after two months or so, there's another "best digital camera."
And so it confuses us. What makes a digital camera, the best digital camera?
Well, there are certain factors to consider when looking for the "best digital camera" for us.
MEGAPIXELS. One of the most important features of digital camera to make it into the best digital camera category is its mega pixel property. The higher the mega pixels the better the actual photograph will come out. A mega pixel is equivalent to one million pixels. The resolution of your image is based upon the mega pixel property of your camera. This means that as you enlarge the picture, you would get more detail and less blurry colors.
LCD SIZE. The best digital camera will always have a large LCD to help you frame your subject without having to squint to the viewfinder. This is also helpful when reviewing your images, some cameras enable touch up and editing features with its LCD. A 1.5-inch display is average, a 2-inch LCD display is good, but the best LCD size would be 2.5 inches or higher.
ZOOM. Most digital cameras have both digital and optical zoom. A higher optical zoom is always better than a higher digital zoom. Digital cameras are usually furnished with optical of between 3x to 10x. The better the optical zoom, the higher it climbs up to the best digital camera category.
MEMORY CARD. Always make sure that your memory card is the right one for your digital camera. There are different types of memory card like the xD, SD, Flash card and the likes. And these types of memory cards go with certain types of digital cameras. of course memory storage is also up there in choosing the best digital cameras. Choose the size of memory that you need, if you're a photo junkie, you might need more than 32MB. Memory cards can go up to 1G.
The key point to find the best digital camera is to find one that will best fit you and your lifestyle. Don't just buy the latest or the one that claims they are the best digital cameras out in the market. You wouldn't want to buy a DSLR and use it with your home activities or family outing and have to lug it around?! Or you don't want to buy the latest point and shoot camera when you're serious about being a professional photographer. (Of course, you can use this for starters, but if you're not a novice photographer anymore, you wouldn't want to get this kind of camera.)
Actually, the best digital camera is the one that you will enjoy and use. Not the type that you'll just leave rotting in its box or after a few weeks of usage or so, up there in the attic.
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Check Out Linu's Every Day Space Blog for Hints, Ideas and Tips. His New Blog Work At Home Offer lots of Information on earning Online Income. Don't Miss Christmas Ideas Blog
Hydrogen Fuel Cells
Hydrogen fuel cell technology promises to help us deal with the dwindling supply of fossil fuel. But how far away is this technology for you and me?
Aren't you tired of the high price of gasoline for your car? Not to mention your concern for the environment. Well, a solution to both of these concerns may be just around the corner. For years, scientists have being working on an alternative energy source that promises to change the way we live by changing the source of fuel for some of our most basic energy-using engines. This new technology is called a fuel cell, and it's based on using water as the original source of the fuel! A fuel cell provides a DC (direct current) voltage that can be used to power motors, lights, or any number of electrical appliances--including cars.
The technical name for a fuel cell is an electrochemical energy conversion device. You've actually been using one for many years, which is a battery. All batteries are electrochemical energy conversion devices.
But hydrogen fuel cell technology is a new twist on an old theme. Here's the basic idea of how it works:
A fuel cell converts the chemicals hydrogen and oxygen into water, and in the process it produces electricity. The difference between a simple battery and a fuel cell is that all the chemicals are stored inside the battery. The battery converts those chemicals into electricity but eventually it "goes dead" as the chemicals are used up. So you end up either throwing it away or recharging it.
On the other hand with a fuel cell, chemicals constantly flow into the cell. So as long as there is a flow of chemicals into the cell, electricity flows out of the fuel cell. Simply put, a fuel cell releases electrons from the hydrogen gas, creating electricity with the waste product being pure water! The electricity is used to power an electrical device--like the electric motor to run your car.
In an internal combustion engine, the gasoline engine burns gas and the battery converts chemical energy back into electrical energy when needed. However, fuel cells should do both tasks more efficiently.
This reaction in a single fuel cell produces only about 0.7 volts. To get this voltage up to a reasonable level, many separate fuel cells must be combined to form a fuel-cell stack.
One problem with using hydrogen is that it is not easily stored for consumer use. Other alternatives could be natural gas, propane, and methanol gas. But the primary objective of using fuel cell technology is pollution reduction. The fuel cell is also very efficient. Around 80% of the fuel used in these hydrogen fuel cells is converted into usable energy compared to only 20% for a gasoline powered engine and about 30% overall for a battery powered electric vehicle.
There is no question that the fuel cell holds great promise for the future. However, many challenges remain, and it's been predicted that hydrogen fuel cell technology won't be available for the masses until around 2050.
Article Source:
C. Brown is the publisher of where you can learn more about hydrogen fuel cells on his website.
Satellite Television Is Growing In Popularity Every Day
Who knew that television would become so important? In the old days of small black and white screens filled with fuzzy characters and sound coming from tiny speakers, only visionaries could imagine the world of satellite and HDTV that was to come. There used to be only three network channels, news was mostly delivered at dinnertime in the early evening and the types of programs were very limited. Moreover, they signed off around midnight! Can you imagine life without 24-hour news channels, around-the-clock updated sports and weather, International headlines and late night comedians that run into the wee hours of the morning? Once upon a time, the Ed Sullivan Show was the pinnacle of entertainment… Of course, it was good, as were the blockbuster long running hit shows such as Gunsmoke and Bonanza. However, how times have changed! With Dish Network’s satellite technology, you can still catch many of the old shows—but now, there is so much mind-boggling content! Television is such an important part of our lives now. There are 500 channels available now in sparkling color; with lifelike skin tones and gleaming white sand beaches. Fantastic movies, comedies, music videos… Image clarity like you have only imagined. There are more choices than ever before.
Satellite Television is growing in popularity every day; there are many more programming and equipment choices than ever. Whatever your television preferences, there is always something on Satellite TV. Deep informative programs on C-Span and Book TV. Interviews with writers, thinkers, and politicians. And on the other hand, music videos in heart-pounding digital sound and bright digital video. Dishnetwork offers so much.
DISH Network is currently offering free installation and free equipment and that includes the popular DVR 625/522.
The highly regarded Dish Player-DVR 625/522 is a very advanced dual tuner, with the two TV output satellite receiver and the combined digital video recorder (DVR). The Dish Player DVR 625 has dual tuners and 2 television outputs that provide the unique ability to record two programs simultaneously as well as the wonderful ability for independent viewing of live satellite TV programming and pre-recorded programs when connected to two televisions.
For a limited time, Dishnetwork is offering a free Sirius Satellite Radio for your car, free HBO, Cinemax, and Showtime and 60 digital channels for 19.99 a month for three months.
This Dish Network offer is one of the best that the satellite industry has seen in quite sometime.
With no equipment to buy and professional installation included, this is the time in this New Year to get on board and see what you have been missing.
Dish Network has friendly people to assist you in obtaining the best offer in satellite TV technology, do not let anymore of this New Year roll by before you check out the amazing offers at Dishnetwork.
Television is changing and improving and transforming everyday and the Satellite TV technology from Dish Network is leading the way to a great tomorrow. It’s time to enjoy Dish Network!
Article Source:
J. Hall writes articles for consumers who want to find the best Dish Network Deals currently available. She has written for many major publications about the latest Dish Network Specials and promotions and how buyers can find the best discounts.
Wireless Headset Microphone: Talk To Your Customers Knowing They Can Hear Every Word
If you use a wireless headset for your job, you know how important it is to not only be able to hear your customers but it’s important for them to hear you as well. You need a wireless headset microphone that you can trust. If your customers can’t hear you clearly, you run into the problem of being misunderstood or, worse, of losing contact with the customer altogether. If you’re in customer service, this is a bad thing but if you’re in sales, this is a worse thing. If you’re in sales and you don’t have a wireless headset microphone you can trust, you may end up losing the sale, or many sales. A salesperson without sales is what others like to call unemployed. So, make sure that your wireless headset microphone works and works well. If it doesn’t, it’s time to get one that does.
Do You Like To Pace While On The Phone?
A wireless headset microphone is a great invention. Most people, when they’re on the phone, like to pace around. It helps them think. If you have a cord connected to your headset, pacing becomes impossible. If, however, you have a wireless headset microphone, you can talk to your customers while pacing, going to the fax or copy machine, or wherever else you need to go, all while keeping in contact with that important customer. This is extremely valuable for a number of reasons. For one thing, it prevents you from having to put your customer on hold every two minutes. Nobody likes being put on hold and your customer will appreciate the extra attention they get.
The benefits of a wireless headset microphone are substantial. To get a wireless headset microphone, and a good one at that, check the many wireless headset microphone reviews that are abound on the internet. These reviews will let you, the consumer, know which brands you can trust and which ones to trust with your important business contacts. Then, with this knowledge in hand, you can finally find a headset that works as well as you need it to work.
You can find a wireless headset microphone at your local phone accessory store or on the internet. You can even try an internet auction site, such as Ebay, where you can get a wireless headset for pennies on the dollar.
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John Ugoshowa. You are welcome to use this article on your website or in your ezines as long as you have a link back to For more information on headsets see the headsets section of Free Search Engine Submission Service at:
Easy Guide to Buying Cheap Laptop
Laptop or notebook computer is a small portable computer. It is light enough to hold on your lap. Laptops can easily perform all tasks that desktops do. Buying laptop is not an easy task to do because there are so many important things that should be kept in mind. Most common things are type of processor, speed of processor, amount of RAM, size of hard disk, brand and support.
You can easily move with your laptop from one place to another due to its portability factor. So check it carefully at the time of buying and if you don’t require portability you can prefer a desktop instead of laptop. Laptops are sophisticated and the perfect device for several business applications like record keeping, wireless networking, presentations and instant communication.
Laptop technology is changing day-by-day thats why it is not an easy job to find the best. These are smaller and faster than the desktop computers. Some high-quality notebooks come with Wireless Fidelity and many with tri-mode 802.11a/b/g wireless system. You can also choose Sony’s latest ultra-portable VAIO VGN-T350P that offers world’s first built-in cellular modem. It can be easily connected to Internet by cell phone.
Business laptops can be easily carried in a briefcase so while purchasing a new one keep in mind that its weight shouldn’t cause you any discomfort because sometimes you’ve to carry it whole day. You can choose lightweight and small laptop in the category of ‘Thin and Light’ and ‘Ultra-portable’. Laptops cost a lot and you can easily buy two desktops at the price of one laptop but keep in mind that you can’t take your desktop all day long.
Some laptops offer a storage space of 60 to 100 GIGS hard drives but you can increase the space with an external hard drive. Laptops are very powerful and can do each and every difficult job but generally you need 256 MB RAM for Windows XP and Mac OS X. you should also check its battery life at the time of purchase because it is an important factor for a traveling businessman. Latest models of notebook computers offer 5 or more hours of power but while choosing laptop battery you should always select a battery with higher numbered cells. Keep in mind that more cells will provide extra longer battery life.
You should also check security feature of laptop. You can choose one of the IBM/Sonoma ThinkPad series that can easily protect your sensitive and confidential company records and documents. Last but not the least factor is price that is extremely important at the time of buying laptop. You can try two or more shops for a reasonable laptop. Buying laptop on Internet is another option for you. You should try to bargain for a special price. Several manufacturers offer cheap prices if you’re buying in bulk.
You shouldn’t sacrifice for the quality for a cheap price. Try to buy a laptop that can easily satisfy your all requirements. You should check speed, upgradeability, and serious gaming factors at the time of buying laptop.
Article Source:
About Author: The Author owns a website for Buying Cheap Laptops. The website provides advice on how to buy cheap laptops with good deals from various hardware vendors. You can visit his website onlypunjab
GPS and PDA Bring TLC to Your Travels
Remember family vacations when you were a kid? Waiting in a stuffy car while mom and dad pored over those massive road maps? Or, watching as they tried to decipher the directions given by the guy at the gas station? Makes us wonder how we ever found the cottage! Thankfully, modern travelers can use a GPS receiver to find their way quickly and easily.
Every since GPS became widely available on the market the need for maps and large navigational devices became redundant. Today's traveler can refer to the tiny computer screen on the GPS receiver to find exactly where to go.
A GPS receiver is a small electronic device that can actually calculate your precise location on earth. The GPS is able to decode signals sent from satellites in outer space, and use those signals to tell you where you are at any given time. When combined with specialized software and electronics, the GPS is able to pinpoint an exact location on a map, and give you instructions on how to get there. This fascinating technology becomes even more incredible when you discover that it can be had for a relatively small price.
GPS receivers become even more useful and convenient when paired with other mobile devices. A PDA is a popular consumer product that is easily used along with a GPS. PDAs have hard drive space to allow for map storage and colored screens to display maps, making them ideal technological GPS partners. When one takes into account the small size and weight of a compact PDA as compared to options such as laptop computers, it's easy to see why PDAs are the choice of today's tech-savvy travelers.
Integration poses a problem with using a PDA with a GPS receiver. Most PDAs are connected to GPS receivers with either a CompactFlash (CF) card, or conventional USB wires. The size of the GPS, added to the size of the PDA, plus a CF can create a bulky and cumbersome system. Using wires, on the other hand, can be inconvenient and actually limit the usability of your navigation device. Many people are finding the best solution to the problem is through Bluetooth technology.
Bluetooth Solution
Bluetooth wireless technology has become the open standard for wireless communication. Using Bluetooth technology, two electronic devices are able to communicate with each other, sending a receiving signals and transferring data, from up to ten meters away. The beauty of this technology is that the information is transmitted completely wire-free.
Bluetooth GPS Receivers
A Bluetooth GPS receiver is an electronic device that uses wireless technology (namely, Bluetooth electronics) to transmit GPS data. The data is transmitted to a second wireless device, such as a PDA, that is capable of handling the technology. For example, a GPS receiver can wirelessly transmit data to a PDA handset, but only if they are both enabled with Bluetooth capabilities.
There are many advantages to using Bluetooth GPS receivers with compatible PDAs for data transmission, rather than using CompactFlash or USB wires:
Wireless Connection
It's not always best to have your PDA and your GPS receiver located in the same position. Without wires to bind the devices, you can position your PDA and GPS separately in the most strategic locations, to provide the best results. For example, if you are using your GPS while driving, you can position the Bluetooth GPS receiver in a spot where it has a clear view of the sky, while mounting the PDA to your dashboard where you have a clear view of the screen. There are no wires to get in the way of your vision, or hamper your driving in any way.
CompactFlash Slot Space
If you are using Bluetooth technology to transmit data, you'll have no need to plug in a CompactFlash card. The empty CF slot, therefore, can be used as a storage space for software or maps to further optimize the results of your GPS.
Bluetooth GPS manufacturers will offer further benefits with their equipment. For example, many Bluetooth GPS receivers feature a POI (points of interest) database, pre-stored maps and route re-calculation function.
So, whether your travels are taking you to the next neighborhood or another country, don't leave home without your GPS and PDA bundled with Bluetooth technology.
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Rainer Cassell loves writing for various of today's best web zines, on product and technology themes.
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